Help & Support Center

Embed Anywhere

Step 1:

Go to the folder from the main menu.

Step 2:

Click the publish link at the bottom of every checklist you see.

Product Dyno

Step 3:

Select Embed Anywhere from the left menu...

...Copy the HTML & JS code.

Product Dyno

Step 3:

Watch the video to know how to embed your check WordPress.

Go to your landing page editor/HTML code, where you want to embed your checklist.

In this example, I am using  WordPress 'Elementor' Landing Page Builder. The concept is simple and almost the same in all landing page builders or even if you are using your custom HTML, you just have to put the JS/HTML code.
Paste the copied HTML & JS code from your checklist where you want to show your checklist.
Click the UPDATE/SAVE button.